Greeting cards are a great way for artists to promote and sell their artwork. We offer a simple and uncomplicated way of producing high quality custom greeting cards at an extremely competitive price using digital printing which allows small batch runs and great flexibility.
We have a minimum order of 25 cards, and you can upload your own artwork online.
Image © Baldy And The Fidget
Luxury natural colour cardstock , smoother than our Diamond Callisto cardstock. Perfect for highly detailed artwork and general greeting card images .
A premium card stock that emulates real fine art paper. Luxury feel and naturally smooth finish with superb colour rendition. FSC certified.
Natural white card with textured finish on the front side – smooth finish inside great for writing. Ideal for lighter cover images such as watercolors but not ideal for darker images.
A high quality printspeed white card 350gsm that has excellent qualities for handmade card blanks. This is a very popular white card. It has a good feel of quality and works well in any project where a good strength card weight is essential.